The Cascades of Leura Falls

by - 14:29

One of my favourite moments: while hiking towards Leura Falls, I especially loved sitting on a lone bench atop a cliff-side cavern and listening to the other-worldly crashing of the cascades below me. I remember taking out my precious little Kobo E-reader while munching on a tuna sandwich and soaking in the thought-provoking literature of Bonhoeffer. That was my heaven on earth: just me, my God, His creation, a simple lunch, and a brilliant book.

In the words of Bonhoeffer, the infamous German theologian, pastor, spy & martyr, 'I feel the least lonely when I am alone.' Breath-taking moments in solitude, the rush of the cascades beneath, the stillness of the forest, the grandeur of the mountains. Sitting there reading Bonhoeffer's inspiring biography & savoring a simple sandwich, I know for myself that his words are true, when you are alone, you know in the fullest sense that God is with you.
Sending all my love, 

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