Paradise on Earth: Whitehaven Beach

by - 18:16

The Wanderlust Series - Janielle's solo backpacking trip up the Australian East Coast in the summer of 2014!

Yes, I finally stepped foot on the infamous Whitehaven Beach on Whitsunday Island! On the way out to the Great Barrier Reef, the sailboat I was on -  the epic Anaconda III - stopped by at Whitehaven Beach for us all to have a morning swim. Even on an overcast morning with stormy patches, this glorious stretch of white sandy beach and turquoise clear waters still didn't fail to mesmerize. The sun would intermittently peek out from the clouds and cast an amazing summer glow on the white sands. I couldn't stop marveling at the pristine beauty and nature of the sight itself. The feel of the squeaky clean sand between my toes, the cool waters touching my skin - it was out of this world. I thoroughly enjoyed the morning, even though some people would've probably complained about a heap load of things (the weather) that you couldn't in reality predict or control!

I learned something new about myself on this sailing trip: a good attitude is the most invaluable and priceless thing you can carry with you on your backpacking adventures. Indeed, indeed! I realized that wherever I went, there would always be people who were grumblers and complainers (by choice). If the weather wasn't right or exactly as they expected (from looking at the brochures - pooh!) they'd grumble about what a rip-off it is! Instead of being incredibly thankful that they even have the opportunity to be in this place, and to experience this at all, they are perfectly content to waste precious moments complaining about things that they (and the crew or the trip-planners) couldn't possibly control or reverse.

Throughout the stormy, rainy patches of the sailing trip, I was actually thoroughly enjoying every moment of it! Rain or shine, wind or breeze, wet or dry, hot or cold, I was totally happy to be in the moment. I couldn't stop thanking God for the chance to even be doing something like this. When you have a thankful heart and a positive attitude, there's really no way you'd even feel like complaining about anything at all, no matter how annoying a situation could get. The fact that you are alive and breathing and feeling and thinking is good enough to be thankful! It's good enough for you to forget the troubles that lie before you or behind you. What an invaluable lesson, I just hope I never forget it! 

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