Kansanga Powerbank Campus Ministry

by - 20:43


One of the key purposes for my time in Uganda was to meet with Victory – a dear friend God connected me with on my first trip to Uganda and Rwanda in November 2015 – and his university leaders who ignited a movement that started among students across 6 universities in Kansanga early this year. It was a burden and burn in me and Vic that we talked and prayed about last Dec even before anything transpired, and it’s been absolutely mind-blowing to see everything accelerate in such a short time. 

The past months, Vic and a few other passionate young guys and gals have brought together over 300 students in their monthly Powerbank gatherings and in the process raised over 20 leaders and sparked 14 discipleship groups in campus hostels meeting on a weekly basis, sharing their passion in Jesus and catalyzing that radical hope in their universities. It is still growing and spreading like wildfire. When we met the leaders on Saturday, I shared with them about Jesus’ vision and mission for our generation, and we had a fiery time standing in prayer together for transformation and freedom to catalyze in these universities. I'm compelled to share these things because I’m seeing a deep thirst for justice, change, and truth in these young people from different parts of Africa gathered together – I’m learning from them as they are learning from me. We are in this together as we spur one another onward! 

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