The Destruction of Destinies

by - 19:57

Why! Depraved minds steal away young hearts with a zest for life and learning. Why!! What kind of twisted, ungodly (in fact, godless) agenda, ideology, and scheme could be carried out against these defenceless sons and daughters? Why!!!

I wrote this a few days ago when I saw the news of a suicide blast that killed over 30 teenagers studying at an education center in a Kabul neighbourhood.

These are targeted attacks over the last years against the Hazara community, an ethnic group in Afghanistan that has endured countless attacks because of their ethnicity and particular sect of Islam. Various insurgent or radical Islamic groups such as Taliban (or variations of the group) and ISIL have bombed learning centers, gyms, weddings, even a maternity ward for mothers and babies. They could even attack funeral gatherings, believe it or not. Many of these young ones are part of a new generation waiting to be set free to make changes in this society and their worlds. Their destinies are being robbed and cut down. They didn’t just lose their lives to a suicide attack. Their voice, their dreams, have been silenced. 


I heard the news, but when I saw the horrific photos I couldn’t stop crying for an hour and praying for these dear ones and their families, and all the young people who lost their friends. It is an evil, not just injustice. To kill another because of their ethnicity, beliefs, and love for life and learning, is pure evil. To take a life. That is unrighteousness before God, who has given life. Who are they, to plot and scheme to take lives? I feel the pain of what could only be a tiny fraction of God’s heart brokenness at how men are using their free will to do these godless acts. How can their hard hearts turn? 


Yet I cannot help but also wonder about the suicide bomber himself. What is his untold story? Would it do us any good to know his story? What unholy fear and bondage led him to do such a terrible deed? What How could he justify leaving his family like this? Rather than building, his last act was one of utter destruction. Bloodshed. Jagged pieces of bomb metal cutting through soft flesh and severing limbs made for writing, painting, playing an instrument, kicking a soccer ball… Rather than giving in love, taking in hate.


I stand with my dear friends, they have the biggest hearts and I know those who have chosen to build rather than tear down, to love rather than take revenge. They are the unsung heroes in this land. They continue to sacrifice for a better day. 


My heart goes out to them.


Photograph by Hedayat Amid.

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